Heaven is within us

Luke 17:21 21"Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for BEHOLD, THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS WITHIN YOU."Many have been taught to believe that Heaven is a place outside of them that they can strive to attain after death, through 'good works" and faith. Yet, mystics have taught otherwise, pointing to the truth that heaven is within us, in our minds/ our consciousness. to believe that heaven is without us keeps us in a state of longing for something that we do not have, it maintains the seeking and striving, all of which is egoic by nature. Our true higher selves, our Christ mind, knows it's unity with God/source and knows the nature of "heaven" being oneness.As stated by my channeling teacher, Betsy Morgan Coffman, her guide Orion stated, "Heaven is the highest consciousness mankind has known." This is much more in line with what the great teacher, spiritual master and wayshower, Jesus spoke of when he said, "the kingdom of heaven is within" than what current preachers teach.In A Course In Miracles it states, in Lesson 138 heading: "Heaven is the decision I must make" and goes on to say that in this world, which is in truth illusionary and transient, there appears to be two choices; heaven or hell, unity and separation, holy spirit (Christ mind) or ego mind (all speaking of the same thing).To "choose heaven," we accept that this is our NATURAL state of mind, and that in the ultimate truth we have not left or lost it, we have simply forgotten the truth, a veil has covered it over like amnesia. Then we accept the truth that we are connected with everyone and everything, which is not just some mystical, or woo woo statement; science is now confirming the interconnectedness of EVERYTHING. As we come to accept everyone/everything as a part of us, without judgement, for "as you judge so will you be judged" (Jesus), and remember our true nature as unconditional love, the veil is slowly or suddenly lifted revealing the truth of our highest state of consciousness, or heaven.By making the decision to extend only love, even to what seems unlovable because we choose to see this as a call for love, we are also making the decision for Heaven. ACIM 22.II.7 "Forsake not now your brother...Reason will tell you that there is no middle ground where you can pause uncertainly, waiting to choose between the joy of Heaven and the misery of hell. Until you choose Heaven, you are in hell and misery."18.VI.1 "The Kingdom of Heaven is the dwelling place of the Son of God who left not his Father and dwells not apart from Him. Heaven is not a place nor a condition. It is merely an awareness of perfect Oneness, and the knowledge there is nothing else; nothing outside this Oneness, and nothing else within. 2.What could God give but knowledge of Himself? What else is there to give? The belief that you could give and get something else, something outside yourself, has cost you the awareness of Heaven and of your identity." (which are actually the same).In lesson 138 of ACIM, it further states, "The conscious choice of Heaven is as sure as is the ending of the fear of hell, when it is raised from its protective shield of unawareness, and is brought to light. who can decide between the clearly seen and the unrecognized? yet who can fail to make a choice between alternatives when only one is seen as valuable; the other as a wholly worthless thing, a but imagined source of guilt and vain? Who hesitates to make a choice like this? And shall we hesitate to choose today?"




Breathe in Suffering, Breathe out Well-Being