Card Reading for 2022

The challenge/Solitude: the last two years have offered most the opportunity to go within given the somewhat forced solitude that was placed upon humanity. While this was difficult for many it also offered the chance to reflect on what is true value, to discover new hobbies, to recognize areas of their lives that need to be changed. Solitude is in fact a gift, as it is necessary for increased self awareness, which is necessary for personal and planetary transformation.

What the take away is from the “challenge”/Fertility: Through the darkness/womb that the solitude offered the collective, there is much that is ready or is already being born both individually and collectively. Pay attention moving forward to what is ready to be birthed within you.

The gift/conflict & defeat While this card seems like it would be negative, it is not. This card is all about learning and change, on a mental level. Certainly there has been conflict  this past year, but as with all things, the question is what can you learn from it? Perhaps we can learn to be more sensitive, to be more understanding and try to see ourselves in another’s shoes. Or perhaps it’s about internal conflict. Where can we be more compassionate and sensitive with ourselves, rather than fighting with parts ourselves? Remember that resistance breeds more resistance.

What the take away is from the “gift”/Disruption and New Beginnings (two cards popped out here) The disruption card again can seem “negative,” but it is definitely NOT. Only in the disruption pr destruction of something can something new emerge! There are things that need to collapse within the collective in order for a new way of being to come forth and this is happening. There may be things personally as well that need to be disrupted for the new to emerge. Trust that when things seem to be falling apart that it is an opening for the new. Our beliefs do determine our reality/experience. So if you choose to see the “disruption” in this way, you will experience it in this way.

Focus on this year/Love Begins:  AHHH.. YES! LOVE. Focus on love. Know that through the chaos, conflict, struggles and all that the past year has brought, that love is always present. We can choose now to see it arising within ourselves, and then see it arising in the whole.

Outcome for the year: Obstacles and challenges: This year will not be without obstacles. There are still many things that need to change within the collective and change on this level often brings challenges. There may be personal challenges as well as we continue to navigate the effects and ongoing issues that began over the past year or two. And yet, we can maintain a higher perspective, asking what it is we can learn from each situation and refuse to see ourselves as victim which empowers us. We can constantly ask ourselves what we can learn and choose to see Love, as was indicated as the necessary focus.


Sacred Plan


Stuck Energy