Sacred Plan

Sacred plan:

Can you trust that there is a sacred plan to all that is unfolding within and around you? you might question how one could possibly know this. yet, if you allow yourself to accept this as a possibility even, you begin to recognize that there is truth in it. For the reality of all things is that your belief makes it so in your experience. So go ahead and believe in a sacred plan and watch how this becomes your reality. You can choose to see that the pain that you have had has in fact a sacred piece in the journey that you are  on, and that though you may not know the purpose of it in the moment, you can trust that you will know in the right timing and in the right way. Go ahead and trust. You will notice that if you look through your life at when you have not had this conviction, that things did not flow smoothly. So why not try a new way? For indeed there is a sacred plan. Life knows exatly what it needs to do to grow, to evolve. And it is only in one’s limited thinking that there is a failure to see this.  So let go of the need to control and instead trust absolutely that this is all sacred and see that in the trusting, you allow it to flow more easily. You will then catch glimpses of the sacred plan, and one day you will recognize the fullness of it, like  a finely woven tapestry. You will then know your completeness and the wholeness of the beauty of knowing yourself as an intricate part of the sacred plan, and knowing all things and all beings as that as well.


I choose peace


Card Reading for 2022